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紐約州長撥10億 啟動全美太陽能商機

紐約州州長Andrew Cuomo宣布,將撥款近10億美元給紐約太陽能計畫,以增加太陽能的普及率,並將紐約的太陽能產業轉型成永續且零補助的產業。

紐約州州長Andrew Cuomo宣布,將撥款近10億美元給紐約太陽能計畫,以增加太陽能的普及率,並將紐約的太陽能產業轉型成永續且零補助的產業。

紐約市屋頂上的太陽能板。(圖:David Reeves)

紐約啟動太陽能計畫 促經濟成長






紐約州太陽能產業協會NYSEIA總裁Shaun Chapman說,「州長的太陽能計畫為全美太陽能創造了最大的商機。NYSEIA和我們100個成員公司已經準備提供私人資本、工作機會和乾淨能源給紐約市民。」

「委員會認同太陽能能減少居民和商業客戶的電費並改善環境。太陽能計畫是紐約州建構活躍的乾淨能源經濟的基礎。」紐約州公共服務委員會主席Audrey Zibelman說。為了大規模提高市場滲透率,紐約州公共服務委員會提供10年穩定資金來源,支持全州的光伏專案。


New York Governor Commits $1 Billion to Solar Power
ALBANY, New York, May 6, 2014 (ENS)

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced a nearly $1 billion commitment to NY-Sun, to expand deployment of solar power and transform New York’s solar industry to a sustainable, subsidy-free sector.

Cuomo announced the NY-Sun Initiative in 2012. The public-private partnership provides long-term funding certainty that will boost existing businesses and attract new investments to New York from global solar companies for greater economic growth.

NY-Sun is part of the governor’s commitment to protect the environment and lower energy costs for all New Yorkers by improving the efficiency and reliability of the electric grid.

“NY-Sun can work to provide innovative solutions, create a more resilient and flexible power grid, lower the state’s carbon footprint and promote a cleaner and healthier environment for all New Yorkers, ” Governor Cuomo said.

New York now has more than 400 solar companies operating across the State from Long Island to Buffalo. Combined, this market employs more than 5,000 highly skilled jobs and continues to grow.

To accompany the NY-Sun Initiative, the New York Public Service Commission has approved an order to transition from government-sponsored energy programs to market-based sustainable programs for the solar industry.

“The Commission recognizes the substantial opportunities that solar power offers residential and commercial customers to reduce electricity bills and improve the environment,” said Public Service Commission Chair Audrey Zibelman. “NY-Sun is a key building block in the State’s efforts to build a vibrant, clean energy economy in New York State.”

New York State Solar Energy Industries Association President Shaun Chapman said, “Governor Andrew Cuomo’s NY-Sun program has created the greatest market opportunity for solar anywhere in the United States without exception. NYSEIA and its more than 100 member companies stand ready to provide private capital, good jobs, and clean energy to all New Yorkers.”

To drive market penetration on a large-scale basis, the Public Service Commission order provides long-term, stable funding over a 10-year period to support photovoltaic  projects throughout the state.

The new funding commitment also provides $3.5 million for a consumer education effort on the benefits of solar photovoltaic systems; to improve the public’s understanding about the various PV contract types, such as direct ownership, leases and power purchase agreements; and other opportunities, such as community solar and energy storage.

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS




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